April 22nd, 2010 by melissa

Busy night last night, Justin soaked through his diaper or something so I had to change hisĀ  bed in the middle of the night. So funny I thought no more laundry. I think I have done a load of laundry each day this week. Justin woke up us bright and early this morning. He went back to sleep in our bed but I don’t think dad or I did. We decided to take it easy at home this morning. The kids really played well together. They were having picnics, bringing things upstairs, etc. Justin walked Nikki as she pretended she was a dog. I played a stranger who asked to pet Justin’s dog. I was able to make a few calls. Of course playing together can only last so long but like I said they did really well. We ran some errands. I needed to return some things. The kids at first didn’t want to go, but Justin found a Hot Wheels shirt he loves and Nicole found a Thumper one. With the excitement in their faces I had to buy them. We ate lunch then I dropped the kids off at their get ready for kinder class. I tried to go shopping for myself for a bit then came home and relaxed. I started a movie but who knows when I will finish it. It was such a cold day that laying on the couch was awesome. I picked up the kiddos. It is Earth day today and the kids made things out of recycable things. I was greeted with a great big sculpture of an airplane from Justin. It was awesome and he was proud. The kids played outside for a bit. They were so happy to finally be able to play outside at their class. They rode bikes and took turns giving each other rides in the trailer. We got home and we called grandma/pa to say hi. The kids were wild. They were inside and outside, running all around. Finally I got them in the tub. Meanwhile I put dinner in the oven and cleaned up their rooms. They made a mess! We keep talking at dinner about how we always sit in the same chairs. We always forget to switch places. The kids played Wii after dinner and I was off to the pre school meeting. Luckily during the meeting I was able to work on some of my membership stuff. When I got home Nikki was still awake. She just reached out for me and of course I crawled in her bed and cuddled. She actually made room for me in the bed.

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