April 29th, 2010 by melissa

It was nice as Bret and I got some time together last night. This morning the kids played Wii for a bit. Then they played with cars and Lady and Tramp. They played really well. I cleaned out some drawers and did some stuff on the computer. Time for spring cleaning, I guess. We met some friends at the park this morning. It was so windy. In the sun it was really nice but there was a cold wind. The kids bundled up and I made sure I was in the sun. The kids had a great time at the park with their friends. They went on the play equipment, hung like monkeys, see sawed, and played in the sand. Justin and Nicole borrowed their friends razor scooters and were really liking them, We rushed home and had lunch. Then I dropped the kiddos off at get ready for kinder. I did some more stuff for membership for pre school then Tierney came over. At first she was grumpy then we just sat on the couch together. She was getting sleepy, so she napped on me. I tried to put her down but she is now spoiled and requires being held while sleeping. Oh well I enjoyed the cuddling. We went to pick up Nikki and Justin. The kids were so excited that T was there. T loved playing. She crawled, walked, tried to eat leaves, sand, and sticks. She had a blast. Now she is all dirty for her parents. We played in the play room with her. Nikki and Justin built towers for her and T knocked them down. We let T watch the race cars but she kept grabbing for the cars bugging N&J so we just played together. After T left the kids wanted to be outside, I feel so windblown. They cut the grass and worked on their soup. We had an early dinner since daddy is going to kindergarten round up. The kids played Wii while we waited for our neighbor to come over. I am babysitting while they all go to the round up tonight. We all had a picnic first, then played Lincoln Logs for a bit. The kids played really well together. We got out so many toys, fishing, My Little Pony, laptops, etc. I tried to clean up in between so I didn’t have a big mess tonight. I read a lot of books and the kids went to bed a little late.

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