May 4th, 2010 by melissa

We got ready to go to the grocery store to get some snacks for play group. The kids don’t mind going to the grocery store since I have made it so much more fun. We are the Sander’s Team, we say go team. The kids carried the baskets and helped shopped. It was a quick trip as we didn’t need too much. I let them play Wii until their friends got here. I barely know how to turn on the Wii but Justin does. Our friends came over this morning and the kids seemed to have fun. The girls dressed up. The kids gathered instruments and practiced shows for us. It was cute. I haven’t been upstairs and am worried it is messy, but the kids had fun and that is all that matters. After everyone left we had a quick lunch as we needed to get to our get ready for kinder class. I dropped the kiddos off and did a few errands. I just took my time….then I went to pick the kiddos up. I love the big hugs I get when I pick them up. They showed me their drawings of plants, flowers, etc. They showed me their journals as well. We played outside there for a while, the kids rode bikes. Nikki really wanted someone in her trailer. We came home and just played outside. It was a really nice day. Justin played soccer on the greenbelt for a while then the kids wanted to paint. We got the easel out and the kids made lots of beautiful pictures. They are so proud of their artwork. Dad came home and we had dinner. After dinner we went upstairs and the kids played roll the ball. I tried working on Nikki’s bed. Dad read some books. I tried to cuddle with the kids a little extra tonight thinking that some day they won’t want me too.

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