May 17th, 2010 by melissa

Bret started a tough week of training this morning. He left before Justin got up. Well Justin got up and came in our bed around 6:30 then fell back to sleep. We got ready for pre school. I dropped the kiddos off thenĀ  had to run to the dentist. Just a teeth cleaning that may turn into a crown. I am still clenching my teeth and pushing them into the gum and causing problems. The night guard is working but too bad I can’t wear it during the day too. I came home and had a little relaxing time before heading out to pick up the kiddos. It was pirate day at school. The kids went on a treasure hunt and made pirate hats, too cute. We came home and had lunch. It was a gloomy day today. After lunch the kiddos played while I tried to get organized with dinners this week, making my grocery list. I gave the kiddos a bath. They went in the bath together with a little fighting but then it got better. I think this was their first bath in 3 or 4 days, unless the jacuzzi counts. I caught up with an old friend and tried to talk while the kiddos were in the bath. I also started going through the kids clothes to get rid of things that don’t fit. I always try to get a few things done while the kiddos are in the bath. After bath the kids started drawing a bit then started throwing stuffed animals, pillows, and blankets down the stairs. They were laughing and having fun. We went to Whole Foods and did lots of grocery shopping. The kids were great but wanted to take their time and pretend to put more stuff in their cart. Luckily the samples help too. We came home and the kids tried jump roping again. I started dinner and dad got home earlier than I thought which was a nice surprise. After dinner our neighbor with Zoe came by. Zoe was chasing the crows and she obviously upset them as they were swooping down. Lots of crows. Nikki and I went up to play doll house and read books while dad and Justin played Wii. When dad and Justin came up we did car wash. Justin did naked car wash. The kids were laughing and having a great time running through the towels we held up. Justin loved having his light saber on in his bed in the dark. Nikki wanted to talk about bad things and have me scratch almost every part of her. Now to relax and watch some TV.

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