La Habra Muesam

July 23rd, 2008 by melissa

Well this morning the destruction of the backyard began. Justin loved watching. This morning we went to La Habra Muesam with Stacie and Paula. What a great muesam for kids this age. My kids had a blast. They were busy from the minute we got there. First we found fossils in sand. Justin found the gas pump-he liked pretending putting gas in the car.

There was a grocery area, so the kiddos could shop. Nicole was really into this. She wanted to put everything in her cart and check out. This is her at the cash register area.

After we went into the critter room. The kids saw butterflies, learned about caccoons, played in a garden, walked the maze, saw spiders, ants, etc.

Then there was a train room. Justin loved watching the train. The train only runs 1 minute, every 10 minutes, so the kids were so excited when it started to go. Then we went into the animal room, real animals stuffed. Nicole made friends with a coyote and showed me she could open her mouth like the coyote. Both kids got to pet the “stuffed” animals, we saw bears, armadillos, and Justin found a liking to the warthog. Justin had enough of the animals and said I don’t like them.

After the animals, we went into the play room. The kids had so much fun playing. They slid down the slide on the castle play house. Nicole played with the baby. They both loved climbing up the ladder in the tree house. Justin said that was his favorite thing to do. Justin played with trains and trucks. This room was really cute. Then we went and painted for a bit. Justin was really enjoying painting with water colors and Nicole was liking to paint on the easels more. We went outside and ate lunch. The kids had so much fun playing out on the grass, just running around with their friend Nikki. They ran around the tree, played at the picnic table, followed each other around, etc. They did ring around the tree and the I love you song. It was fun watching them just be kids. Got a great picture of the two Nikki’s hugging.

After lunch we went and played a bit more. The kids just loved the play room so we went back there and up to the front again with the shopping area. The kids finally fell asleep on the way home but it wasn’t until I got off the freeway. So I let them sleep in the car for a bit in the garage. We came home to a torn up backyard, what a lot of work. We just had a quiet afternoon at home, mostly played in the futon room. The kiddos wanted to go out and play but they couldn’t. So after dinner we went to Woodbury and ran an errand at Ralphs then played in the grassy area. The kids had a great time running around in the grassy area and rolling around on the grass. They ran around the fountain a bit. It was fun watching them and we ran into some friends there. We came home and read lots of books and put the kiddos to sleep. Nicole had a hard time going to sleep. I went for a walk with Krista and now I am tired.

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