August 8th, 2010 by melissa

This morning Justin woke up so him and I came down and played. He wanted to read books first then we played trains. Nikki came down shortly after and joined in on the trains. Dad went to Home Depot and got some part to replace his fog light in his car. He worked on that for a bit and the kids helped. They helped by talking all his tools so when he needed them he couldn’t find them 🙂 The kids got some rope and had fun playing across the street with it. The sun came out so we headed over to the pool. The kids got to play a little bit before their swim lesson. They are just loving the pool. After lessons we headed home and had lunch. Then we were off to go to the Ringling Brothers Circus. We went to the pre show, the kids got tattoos and clown noses.

I think the kids enjoyed the circus-it is hard to tell. I kept asking Justin if it was too loud for him. He was sitting on my lap all cuddly, I loved it! Nikki hopped on daddy’s lap and was wiggly. Grammy came with us as well. It was a neat show but I was surprised that there was so much music. They have definitely improved the circus and had some cool acts. I am glad we went. We came home and the kids were tired. Bret read them some books. But then we made the mistake of going out to dinner. The kids really needed to burn off some energy first. They were trying to be well behaved out to dinner but it was tough. After dinner we headed to the park. The kids had a great time. They practiced monkey bars. They started trying to get up the slide as fast as they could. I timed them and they just were laughing and trying to beat their personal best. So funny when Nikki was trying to get up and slid back down Justin was at the bottom catching her. They went down the slide as a choo choo. I think the park made them even more hyper though. We came home and dad played car wash with the kiddos. Then it turned into an obstacle course, they were having a blast. It was hard to tell them it was bed time.

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