August 24th, 2010 by melissa

Not an extremely exciting day but it was nice. I enjoyed having a day at home. Bret and I went to bed way too late last night. I tried to get organized with my board position for pre school. Two speakers are scheduled, one more to go. So just got caught up on home stuff and made lots of phone calls. Today was supposed to be the kid’s assessment for kindergarten. We found out you don’t receive any feedback so we skipped it. We are planning to hold the kids but thought maybe they would have some more info so we can make a more informed decision. I let the kids watch TV today. I feel like they haven’t had TV time in a while. They watched an old favorite Little Einsteins. The kids did a ton of puzzles today. We needed to get out and since it was so hot our we decided to go to the mall. We had fun at the mall. The kids wanted to buy everything. They went on some of the quarter rides and I let them play in the Disney store. I did a little shopping as well. We were able to see dad for a little bit before he headed off to do some side work. The kids did some shows for me tonight. Then we headed outside in the backyard. The kids watered most of our plants. They watered them using their water cup. Then they pretended they had smoothies and all of a sudden it was their birthday. Justin was Dash Dash and Nikki was Violet from the Incredibles. I sang happy birthday over and over again. It was fun though we had a good time outside and I was able to get a little gardening done. We finally came inside and headed upstairs. We played cars for a while. Then we just cuddled in my bed and read lots of books, it was really nice. They went to bed so easily-I think all the reading made them tired. Now to relax but wish Bret was home with me.

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