September 1st, 2010 by melissa

Well if we were sending the kiddos to kinder, they would be starting tomorrow. I don’t want them to ever start. This morning we were out early. The kids had a dentist app’t, just a check up. We got out of the house but I needed gas, so we were a little late for the app’t. Nikki was really scared at the dentist. I am not sure if it was to get attention or if it was legitimate. Justin was as brave as can be. He got right into the chair and was happily watching Curious George. He went first. Both kids got great check ups but we need to brush a little longer. The kids didn’t want to leave the office. I read Nikki some books while Justin played on the train table. After we ran to Costco to pick up some pics. The kids watched the movie Up for a little bit. Then we went to pre school again. The kids played really well but you could tell they wanted someone to play with them too. I sat out of the office and tried to interact with them while I worked. I can’t believe how much work this has been but it is getting done, slowly. We came home and the kids were so excited to see Cindy. We stayed at home and played for a bit then headed to Blue Gum. We met dome friends there but N&J really played with each other. They had a great time at the park and didn’t want to leave. When we got home we grabbed the mail. The kiddos received letters from their new pre school teacher. They were so excited to get mail and stickers. It was really cute. Nikki used the stickers and markers to make her teacher a little something. After dinner Nikki and I took Cindy for a little walk. Dad stayed at home with Justin while he went in the jacuzzi. I went for a walk with a friend. The kids were watching part of the Incredibles when I got home. I can’t believe how much the kids love being Dash and Violet from the Incredibles, and we still haven’t seen the movie. We went upstairs and brushed teeth for a longer time. We just cuddled with the kids tonight, so nice.

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