September 21st, 2010 by melissa

A great day at the Children’s Museum. The kids loved that place. We had fun watching them but by the end we were done. The best thing there was the little pizza place. The kids could cook us pizza’s and serve us. It was really cute but they had to do it over and over again. There was a VW Bug the kids could paint. I thought that would be the highlight but surprisingly it wasn’t. There was a pound and a vet area that Nicole loved. And Justin loved all the things that balls would go into (like his marble toy). I didn’t think we would  be at the museum all day but we were. We did leave for lunch. We went to lunch at a place called The River, like the Spectrum. We had a great bbq lunch there. After lunch we went back to the museum for longer than we expected. The kids painted the bug again, we went upstairs to do the dress up area, but really the kids wanted to go back to the making pizza area. Here are some pics from our time in Palm Springs:

It was so hard getting the munch kins out of the museum as they were having a great time. We knew they would want hotel time so we planned to eat dinner in the room. We went in the jacuzzi tonight and had a great time together. We were all laughing and playing. I think we were in it for over an hour but it wasn’t too warm. It was freezing when we got out though. Hyper kids when we got back to the room. They had some fun but it was getting late. I don’t think we got them to bed until about 9:15.

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