September 27th, 2010 by melissa

Well Bret is at least back to work so he is definitely on the mend. We didn’t do much this morning. We kind of enjoyed just being at home. The kids played nicely. I dropped the kiddos off at pre school. While they were there I ran to the grocery store. I was excited to try some new recipes. My turkey burgers weren’t all that great tonight. I was so disappointed! The kids had a great time at school. They played with the trains and outside. It was really really hot today. They came home with little apple pies. The kids didn’t help make them though they were busy doing other stuff. I am not getting as much art work as I used to. The kids were really excited as they were able to take home the book, Soup Opera. We read the book and it was too hot. So we decided to go swimming. It turned out to be great. We ran into lots of friends. The kids had a great time in the pool, jumped into floaties, dove for dive sticks, played with me, etc. I was able to give them a shower too which was perfect as it was bath day. At home Nikki helped me cook dinner. It is fun having her in the kitchen with me. Justin and dad played Mario Cart Wii for a bit. Then the kids just relaxed in front of the TV while dad and I finished dinner. I spent tonight getting ready for the cleaners, picking up toys, etc. The kids played with all these beads you can put together to  make things, kind of like snap beads. They were walking all over the beads and Justin made a snake. To clean up Justin got his toy snow plow truck. We went upstairs and the kids played in Justin’s room while dad and I were in Nicole’s room. The kids were playing cars and reading books together. I only had time to read one book. We need to start getting these munch kins to bed earlier, they are cutting into our TV time.

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