What a Sweet Brother Justin Is

July 31st, 2008 by melissa

This morning was music class. We walked over to it. The kids wanted to walk too. We were running a little late though so I had to put them in the stroller. On the walk over, Justin is so sweet to Nicole. There was only one flower, so he gave it to her. In music class she wanted the drum Justin had, so he just gave it to her. Of course I stepped in and let them take turns. But I am just amazed at how sweet and loving Justin can be. The kids had fun in music class as did I. I held the kiddos and swung them, they are almost getting to heavy for me to do this. They were so excited when Ms. Judy sang the frog song. We had a fun walk home, looking at everything, talking, etc. Justin enjoyed watching a truck and workers at the end of our street. The kiddos found Tigger and were so happy to see the cat. At home the kids rode their bikes and played outside. I hated to break it up but I needed to go to the grocery store. The kids had fun pushing carts, but near the end Nicole was getting a little screamy. The cashier was so impressed at how the kids helped they gave them balloons. Unfortunately Nicole’s popped in the car and since she reacted so well we went in and got her another one. We came home and made some lunch and played. The kids gave their crasher cars a car wash on their little table in the kitchen. Water everywhere. The kid’s imagination impresses me everyday. The kids brought all our pillows down to the empty room upstairs and put layed stuffed animals down and put them down for a nap. The kiddos gave them books and said have a good nap (just like me). And they keep checking on the animals to make sure they are ok. Nicole says if you need me, just call for me-HA. I feel like we have been so busy lately it was nice just to watch them play, even though the play time occurred at nap time. Nicole started to bully Justin and cry over everything he had-ugh. So I decided maybe they needed a change of scenery so we went to Costco. They love Costco, the samples and the toys coming in for Christmas already. We came home and did water balloons. The kiddos had a blast with them. Nicole laughed so hard when hers popped, thank goodness she laughed. But of course wanted to take off her wet shirt right away. Nicole was a bit tantrumy (is that a word tonight), I guess she was just tired. So we went out for a walk after dinner. We ran into a big german shephard and the kids laughed when the dog licked them. We ended up going to Yogurtland. Nicole wanted pink yogurt and Justin wanted chocolate. It was a fun family walk. The kiddos seemed so tired so we went upstairs and read a book and told stories. Nicole loved how Ms. Judy from music class said ribbit, she was still laughing at it tonight. The kiddos went right to bed.

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