November 5th, 2010 by melissa

Life is getting too busy these days to keep up with the blog. I barely remember what we did yesterday. The kids and I made cupcakes to bring to pre school to celebrate their birthday. Nicole had soccer after school. I took the kid’s soccer pics and now have a lot of editing to do. But it is good experience for me. Last night I had to go to a board meeting for school that lasted way longer than it should have. I came home to Zoe the dog. We are dog sitting the next few days. I love her.

Today we stayed at home before school. The time in the morning goes by so fast. I gave the kiddos a bath. We played with Zoe and took her for a little walk. The kids frosted and decorated their cupcakes. Sprinkles everywhere. I forgot I was a working mom and all of a sudden it was 11:45. We jumped in the car and off to pre school we went. Today the kiddos had their birthday celebration at school. Everyone sang to them. They got to wear birthday crowns. Nikki wore the crown on top of  the Scooby Doo costume. It was fun watching them today have a special day. At snack time, they got to call out for people to wash their hands. They also helped me pass out the cupcakes. We played puzzles at school and some blocks. The kids weren’t too excited about the puzzles. Outside was more fun, bikes and trailers, and the sand was very exciting. We made lots of castles and buried kids in the sand. They thought it was so funny. The kids practiced their little skit for Turkey Day. Nikki and Justin are turkeys. Nikki as a turkey takes the hatchet and Justin hides behind the hay stack. So funny. After school we met some friends at the park. The kids had a great time. It was hot so they went into the fountains. I didn’t have bathing suits so the kids just went in their clothes, they didn’t care. On the way out Nikki and Justin went a dif’t way than me,  but then Justin turned around and followed me. Nikki thought she was lost and started to cry. It was sad but it was good for her to realize she needs to stay close. She didn’t no I could see her the entire time so I knew she was safe. We came home and played with Zoe. We took her on the greenbelt for a bit. Then we were off to something called moonlight marshmallows with the city. It ended up just being a fire pit and we made smores. It was ok. I wish they had some music or something. The kids loved it. When we got home Nikki and I took Zoe for a walk while dad and Justin played a game. I got ready to go to a scrapbook night with friends.

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