November 10th, 2010 by melissa

Dad and I have been waking up early these days. It is nice so we can have a little time. I went to look in on the kids this morning, they were all cuddled up in their beds, so cute. We spent the morning at home. Justin played his video game a little bit. We then played with these new sticker books. You read things then the kids needed to figure out which stickers go where. Nikki’s books was the Incredibles and Justin’s was just a general Disney book. The kiddos were entertained by the cutting of the trees on the greenbelt. They kept running out there. I finally got them in the bath. It was a fast bath but none the less a bath. After bath it was a quick lunch and the kids played then off to pre school we went. I worked today. We made tee pee’s today. We also played in the dress up corner where the kids made some food for me. Then we set up a grocery store.  We had the most fun outside. The kids rode bikes for a while. We built a sand castle which became a tee pee and we decorated it with corn and sticks and mud. We played duck duck goose and freeze tag. After school the kids played outside with their friends. They were running around and having fun. We went with our friends to Barnes and Noble for a pre school fund raiser. The teachers all read books and we picked a few books. Justin found some Scooby Doo books. We walked over to dinner and ate with everyone (another fundraiser). It was really fun. We came home and the kiddos played games with dad, Uno and Go Fish. Then I was off to Bunco.

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