December 21st, 2010 by melissa

Rain, rain go away. Sunday we or I needed to get out. We ended up going to Pretend City. The kids had a great time. Dad and I were a little bored. I was just really sluggy and lazy. We stopped for lunch then I did a few errands while dad stayed with the kiddos. Target was a little crazy but I think I got everything I need. We headed to Holly and Jeff’s for their annual Christmas open house. We had a great time and were grateful that the rain didn’t make for a ton of traffic. Unfortunately the kids didn’t play that well together. It takes them a while to get to know each other but then my kids just kept saying they were having trouble upstairs. So we decided to head out. The kids loved all the deserts, cookies, etc. It was nice to see our friends.

Justin came in our room early this morning and went back to sleep in our bed. When he woke up in the morning he was complaining about his ear. After some medicine he began feeling better. The kids just took it easy and watched TV this morning. Justin finally got to watch the Car movie. Nikki decided she wanted to go to a play date gift exchange by herself. I went to drop her off but Justin started to feel better so he wanted to stay. I guess the medicine kicked in. Near the end he was all needy again. On the way out he puked up all the apple juice he drank. UGH. At home I let him nap on the couch, so cozy and cute. Nikki and I played Barbies and with her dog Go Go (Lady). Nikki kept on checking up on her brother while he was sleeping on the couch-it was so sweet and cute. Nikki wanted a lot of attention since Justin wasn’t around to play with her. She did go out in the rain for a bit and I gave her a bath. She had a great time in the tub by herself but it took a lot to get her in. She played with the Pooh house and Tigger/Piglet. Justin slept pretty much most of the day. After dinner we kept him up and he started to feel better. We all played a family game of Trouble and read books in my bed. Nikki was wild in her bed and was crazy for bed but luckily she went right to bed.

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