December 24th, 2010 by melissa

Christmas Eve. Can’t believe another year is almost over. Things were busy in our house last night. I went to wake up Justin to go potty and when I walked in he said hi, I can’t believe he was still awake. He was so cute and wanted me to cuddle. How could I say no? I cuddled and tried to sneak out but got caught. He was snoring so I thought he was asleep. So I fell asleep and stayed. Nikki woke up and I was so tired so I just slept on her floor. Dad was wide awake last night. This morning Justin played Wii for a bit. Nikki and I went to Target for a few things. Nikki got Justin a Cars truck and I got the family nerf guns. Nerf fight here we come. It will be fun. Justin decided to give Nikki a Boo and a Jessie doll. Justin helped me wrap Nikki’s and Nikki helped me wrap Justin’s. It took longer but they enjoyed wrapping. Justin ran some errands this morning with dad. We had lunch and then the kiddos took a bath. Dad worked on assembling Justin’s razor big wheel thing for tomorrow. We are almost all set for Christmas presents, so at least we won’t be up late tonight. Nikki and I bought red Oreos for Santa as we figured we wouldn’t have time to make cookies. So carrots for the reindeer and cookies for Santa. We were off to Grammy’s for Christmas Eve. The kids had a blast and could barely wait to open presents. They were really patient though and we did go over to say thank you no matter what. The Hex/Nano bugs were the big hit this year. Pretty cool toy. Both are sleeping in new jammies tonight. They played so well tonight at Grammy’s but got a bit hyper. Not much running around for them today. They were hyper funny. They loved finding ornaments on the tree. Grammy has a southwest tree, so we would say find 3 cactus, etc. They loved it. Nikki got a Belle dress, so beautiful. I will have to take some pics tomorrow. It was a long night and we are tired. The kids came home and put some Oreos and milk out for Santa, carrots inside and outside for the reindeer. Dad got them to put the carrots by a light so we could find them easier. HA. Merry Christmas to everyone and to all a good night!

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