January 12th, 2011 by melissa

Yesterday I was under the weather, my cold hit me hard. I had no energy-luckily today I am feeling much better. Yesterday we went to a class at Pretend City. It was ok. It was a pizza party. The kids got to make their own pizzas and then they read a Curious George book. The kids in the class were so young compared to N&J so they didn’t get to roll out the dough etc. Just as I was dragging and ready to go home, we met some friends there. The kids were so excited to have new people to play with. It was a whole new Pretend City with their friends. We spent lots of time in the Curious George exhibit and the restaurant. The kids pretended to make us lots of Italian food. When we got home I was basically useless and just wanted to rest. Dad ran out to get some dinner and he played with the kiddos.

Today I am feeling much better. I was snack mom at school today. I just grabbed a bunch of things and brought them in. I did a lot of cleaning at school today as the place was a mess. The kids had a great time in school and made some pretty pictures. Outside they were really into riding the bikes. We did a bean bag thrown and I was amazed at how far Justin threw the bean bag. When we got home we just played at home. The kids found some blankets from when they were babies and they played with them. I am not sure what they were doing but they were having a great time. And of course parking garage. We went outside and did some gardening. We gardened in the front and I can’t believe the size of the weeds that were growing. With all the rain we had I had been neglecting my garden. Hopefully the next few days I can really get out there. Also dad and I made a list of things to do in the house a while back…..I finally re-spray painted the bathroom toilet paper fixture. It is the little things. When dad got home they played Pac Man World. I am off to Bunco tonight. Woo hoo!

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