January 17th, 2011 by melissa

The best part of MLK day is Bret is off. He still is feeling a little under the weather. We have been so lazy in the mornings these days. I was downstairs early this morning and at first Nikki came down and Justin followed. I was watching TV so I let theĀ  kiddos watch TV for a bit. We let Marshmallow the bunny out in the backyard for a bit, he loved it. I had to guard one of my plants though. I did lots of gardening in the back. I need to work more in the front though. After lunch we decided to go to the Spectrum. We haven’t been there in so long and we didn’t get too far. The kids saw Dave and Busters and just wanted to play games. Justin is so psycho about games, he just cracks me up. He gets so excited. Dad rested in the bookstore and I took the kids to Target. I needed to return something and we felt bad they never get enough tickets to buy the junk at D&B. Justin came up with this huge monster remote control truck. Luckily he saw some Dinoco things he liked better. I let Nikki get a car so she could play with him. Nikki picked out a pink dog that she named Coconut. When we got home the kiddos played so well with the new toys. I wish the novelty didn’t wear off but I know it does. I did laundry and got organized around here. Then Nikki and I went outside. She pretended she was a girl from a new show she watched today. She pretended her scooter was a motorcycle like the girls on TV. I did a little gardening. And Justin has been as happy as can be playing with his new cars. Tonight we went to dinner with two other couples and their kids. It was so nice as the kids played so well. They ran around outside for almost an hour and a half while the parents chatted. The best part was it seems as though we all got along really well. I held our neighbors baby (5 1/2 months) to try and give them a break tonight too. The kids seemed so tired when we were leaving and we were not surprised-they played hard. Justin wanted to play cars so dad and him did for a bit. We finished laundry and read books. Then it was straight to bed.

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