February 13th, 2011 by melissa

On Sat morning dad went to trombone practice. I walked our friends dog so they could get ready for a birthday party. The dog, Tyson stayed here during the birthday party. I then did some gardening and relaxed a bit. I had Tierney for a bit, such a cute little girl. She was so silly and happy playing with the toys. She loved the kitchen and the stroller…plus the play house outside. The kids came home from sleeping at Grandma/pa’s. They had a great time but were tired. We headed over to Olivia’s birthday party. The party was fun with lots of games and balloons. It took Justin and Nicole a while to get into it. After a while Justin kept saying he was tired, so I called dad and he came to get Justin. Nikki stayed with me and just played and played.

Dad was pretty much up all night as he is on call. I gave the kiddos showers and dad took a nap. While dad was napping we played outside. The kids were busy riding their scooters. We did rockets then we took out the Moxie girl stuff. Then it turned into a picnic lunch. It was nice and I was able to get the front hedge done. We all ran to the grocery store then Grammy, Buffi, and Brittany came over for dinner. The kids were so excited. They played with Brittany for a bit. The kids noticed the movie Despicable Me so we let them watch it. Luckily nothing too scary. Nikki really liked the movie but Justin didn’t really. Nikki was pretending she was the little girl from the movie. Nikki had trouble falling asleep tonight but Justin was out quickly.

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