March 7th, 2011 by melissa

Thought since I can’t do much I would take some time to catch up on the blog. Just when I was feeling better I got shingles. This sucks-it is so friggen painful. I rested most of the day yesterday. Dad worked from home, thank goodness. He helped so much with the kids. It makes me so sad I can’t do much with the kiddos. I went to the doctor yesterday and am now on an anti-viral med so hopefully it will work fast. The kids have been playing cars so much. We got them a Mack trailer for Lightening and seriously they have been playing that so much. They were able to watch the cars movie yesterday too. The cleaners left a gap between the couch and the carpet in the family room-the gap has become the kiddos street. The kiddos have just been busy riding bikes still. School is about space right now and they made some rocket ships. I had to go to school at the beginning of the week and help paint the new shed. One of their friends from school was there too and they played so well together. It is so nice seeing the kiddos play so well with their friends. One day last week while I was working at school since the shed was being built, we were able to go to the park. It was nice to play somewhere else and the kids had a great time. It was a little stressful keeping an eye on all the kids but it went great. Things have gone back to normal since Buffi has gone back to NZ. I am glad the kids don’t talk about her too much-I didn’t want them to be sad she was leaving. Well Bret has been taking good care of me and the kids. It was all about daddy the entire weekend. The kids went on fun bike rides with daddy. They were so excited about going in the bike lane. Nikki has been her helpful little self. She actually told me she wished she had the rash rather than me. Justin is still my water boy. Yesterday he wanted to go in the jacuzzi but Bret was working on it and adding more water taking some out, etc. That didn’t stop Justin from getting naked and playing in the water. He was laying on top of the jacuzzi cover naked, silly but dirty kiddo. The water was finally warm enough and the kiddos went into the jacuzzi. I have been getting better each day but wearing a bra is a little painful so I am staying close to home. Bret will take some time off work too. He could use a break anyway.

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