April 3rd, 2011 by melissa

Yesterday was soccer day. The kids did so well. Here are some pics:

Dad and I worked on the hedge most of the day. We decided it was time to call “the guy”. We went out to dinner with our next door neighbors which was nice.

Today we were heading to the Kidseum museum but ended up at the Santa Ana mall. Nikki and Justin wanted to go to the Disney store. I was interested to see how strong dad could be and not buy them anything. We both caved. Justin got the Dinoco helicopter and Nicole got the Skunk stuffed animal named Flower from Bambi. When we got home I vacuumed the cars while the kids painted and painted and painted. Then we washed mommy car. One car was enough for the kids so they went in to watch TV while I did daddy car. Dad came out too so we quickly waxed it too. While the kids were finishing watching Descpicable Me for the millionth time I ran to the grocery store. When I got home dad was on the phone with work…..he had to do work tonight. The kids and I went outside. We had a lot of fun. Nikki was pretending she was Margo from Descpicable Me while Justin and I were launching rocket balloons. Justin has been riding his Razor trike a lot lately, so I used his scooter. Then the kids got on their scooters and I was the police on the razor trike. They love that. It got dark on us so we came inside and read a lot of books. Kiddos are sound asleep. Justin has big floppy dog and pumpkin on him while Nikki is sleeping with Flower. Dad is still working….

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