July 6th, 2011 by melissa

July 4th was a fun day for us. It all started out at the Woodbridge parade. The night before we got Nikki’s scooter decorated and Justin’s bike. The kids had fun helping to decorate them and they were excited about riding them around. It was pretty crowded at the parade but the kids did great. I was a little nervous with Justin on his bike but he did great. Here are some pics:

When we made the corner around the parade the kids decided to sit and watch the rest of it. It was a cute little parade with lots of candy being thrown to the kids. I think that was the best part for them. The non stop fun didn’t end with the parade. We headed to South Pasadena to visit Holly and Jeff. They had a bbq with lots of swimming. Justin and Nikki were having so much fun. Nikki was a fish, and was in the water the entire time. She loved jumping off the diving board and going down the water slide for the first time then did it over and over and over and over again. Justin was a brave boy jumping off the diving board once. He just thought whats the big deal and didn’t want to do it again. He was in the jacuzzi most of the time.

We saw about 5 minutes of fireworks. The kids loved it. But of course they were concerned when we started talking about the fire. Luckily, they had fun playing with their friends, running all around the grass and playing on the play structure. As usual the weekend went by too fast. Our trip to Seattle/Vancouver is coming up soon; we are getting excited. Today we went to the library for a music program. The kids loved it. They were able to play the instruments and as the guy went faster the kids were just laughing and smiling. We met some friends there so the kids played after for a bit. Then this afternoon we went to the Ladera Park water park with friends. The kids loved it. Such a difference when we went last year. The kids last year wouldn’t go up the structure and now they are so into it. It was great fun to watch. We also headed to the mall for a while. We ran out of time and it was getting late so we had to head home. It was a crazy busy day but fun.

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