
September 22nd, 2012 by melissa

We are heading into the 3rd week of school. We are getting used to our routines but next week the homework begins. School is going well. Nikki is in a K/1 combo class with the teacher Justin had last year. This was a definite surprise. I was so happy about the teacher that I didn’t give the combo much thought. Mrs. Cook is on maternity leave so Nikki has Mrs. Harlan and she is as sweet as can be. Justin has Mrs. Ortego and she seems great. He seems to really like her and the class. Mrs. Ortego is a think out of the box kind of teacher and very easy going-I think this will be great for Justin. There has been little hang ups with the combo but that is to be expected. Nikki was really upset when she saw Justin’s classroom and he had desks and she didn’t. She does have bigger tables and chairs then the kinders. The cool part though is when the kindergarteners go home @ 11:30 there are only 11 kids in the class until 2:10. It is like a private school and I think it is then that Nikki is very happy. I think the kids were a little disappointed not to have their best buddies in their same classes but they do see them at recess. Handball has become a craze again. The kids want to play it all the time. The kids are getting so big. I have too much time-I miss the kiddos. I am enjoying it but it seems like they are in school a long time. I have been able to get a lot of stuff done thought. Here are some back to school-1st day of school photos:


On top of school starting soccer has begun as well. Justin’s team is now red thunder and he has the same team/coach from last season which is pretty cool. Therefore, I was unable to coach his team. I am coaching the girls again-the Tigers. We have a bunch of girls who have never played soccer so it is not going as smooth as I had hoped but it will be great to see them improve over the season. By being Nikki’s coach I am unable to get pics but she is probably happy about that. Here are some of Justin and team:

Luckily someone captured a few pics from Nikki’s last game:

And the kiddos are now greenbelts:

They did great doing their form in front of everyone. Love the genuine smiles!

And we had back to school night. Bret and I loved being in the classrooms and listening to what they were going to do, meeting and talking to their teachers, etc. I had to take a picture of the picture Nikki drew-she even included Scooters the bunny, too cute!

Justin brought home a lot of work the other day and there were loads of compliments on it from good coloring to good printing. Justin has really nice hand writing.


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