March 18th, 2013 by melissa

3/13/13, Nikki lost her first upper tooth, LOOK:


And the kiddos are now blue belts, LOOK:

MAS_7302_edited-1 (Large)

They worked so hard for the blue belt. It was a really hard form and we were so proud. The kids both did their form perfectly!

We are now the proud owners of a red jeep. We were able to sell the black one easily which was great. Bret has really been enjoying playing with the jeep, changing the fluids, etc. The kids are so funny sitting in the back with the top off. They were under a blanket the other day, heads and all, and Justin said his favorite art was being under there with Nikki. So cute! The kiddos really love each other and I hope they always have a wonderful relationship.






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