September 26th, 2013 by melissa

Second grade has begun. So far so good. Nikki has Mrs. Nakano and Justin has a teacher that is new to the school, Miss Goodrich. Summer went by too fast. I hope the kiddos remember our great summer.

Here are a few back to school photos:

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Nikki’s teacher the night before told the kiddos to go to school and she put out the confetti. It was really cute but when we got there all the confetti had been taken. Homework has started, ugh. Justin hates doing homework where as Nikki gets it out of the way. Soccer has begun as well. I am coaching Nikki’s team again. Once you coach once you are signed up for life. Her color is green, so they are calling themselves “the green diamonds”. Justin’s team is yellow and the name keeps changing-I think right now it is “the eagles”. I have been able to get any pics from soccer but someone sent me this one:


As far as Taekwondo goes, the kiddos are now brown belt with gold bar.


I have started babysitting a few times a week. So far it has been pretty good. I am just feeling old and how hard it would  be with a 3rd one full time.

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