
February 15th, 2015 by melissa

The kids had a fun day planned at school today. Not only was it the Valentine’s partied but also the 100th day of school. In celebration of all these the kids made Valentine boxes for their Valentines and dressed up as old people. It was hard to find the right clothes….Nikki added a cardigan to her outfit and Justin pulled his shorts up as high as was comfortable and wore black socks with his tennis shoes. Making their hair gray was easy with a little baby powder. Justin did his Valentine box like a Minecraft creeper and Nikki did hers like a Rubik’s cube. At their party at school they passed out their Valentines and made ice cream sundaes. Justin won an award for the Best Use of Materials Used!

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and here is the Valentine’s card the kiddos gave out to their friends:

Valentine card copy


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