September 10th, 2016 by melissa

And just like that summer is over. Kiddos got their back to school haircuts. These were taken with  my phone so the pics are just ok:

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The day before school started I let the kiddos do what they wanted to do in the morning. Nikki chose breakfast in bed and no surprise here Justin picked video games.

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We spent the afternoon before school started at the pool with some friends. We all found out who the kids teachers would be together. Nikki got Mr. Holton and Justin got Miss Garrison. Mr. Holton has been at Northwood for a few years as an assistant teacher I believe. Miss Garrison was pretty much hired the day before school started. So far both seem like great teachers and the kids seem happy. Both kids, thankfully, have friends in their class. Here are some pics from the first day.

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