Pre School Clean Up

September 27th, 2008 by melissa

I was up and out the door early. Every month the pre school does a huge clean up and you have to volunteer for one Sat for the year. I decided to get it over with, so it was my turn today. Luckily it only took 2 hours rather than the expected 4 hours. When I called Bret was taking the kids on their bikes to Castle Park. We all got to Castle Park at the same time. The kids had fun playing but it was hot. Then we drove daddy car home since I brought it to the park. The kids loved sitting in the back seats with no car seats. We came home and the kiddos played a bit. We decided to go to In N Out Burger for lunch then Toys R Us. We are trying to get ideas for Christmas and birthdays. They loved the idea of getting big kid bikes. Bret and I were pretty sluggy and tired today. Bret tried to take a nap and got a few minutes before he was called from work. After TV the kiddos played outside in the backyard. Justin filled up the pool and that held their interest for a few minutes. We decided to go for a bike ride. So the kids got in the trailer and off we went. We just biked to Kohl’s as we needed a few things. The kiddos had fun making a mess in Kohl’s and playing. It was a pretty mellow evening; dinner and showers. I was telling the kids a story about babies (Nicole loves babies) and I mentioned the babies pooped and the kids were in hysterics. It was so funny. Of course all this happened when they were supposed to be going to sleep. We just enjoyed the laughter.

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