I Could Get Used to Pre School

September 30th, 2008 by melissa

This morning we got ready to go to pre school and get the house ready for the cleaners. It is hard to get out the door. I dropped off my munch kins and decided to embrace the time I had to myself. I went to the Spectrum and worked out. This gym is awesome, each machine has its own TV. I ran some errands as well, Nordstrom, Target, etc. Then it was time to pick them up. I was so excited to see them. Where I parked I could see Nicole riding the trike outside. I need to get over the fact that they are having fun with someone else. It was so cute to watch her but made me sad as well. The pre school teacher said they don’t miss me which is a great thing-I am very proud of my munch kins. Justin kept his underwear dry even at pre school, again I am a proud mom. We came home and the cleaners were here and it was so hot. So we took off for the RSM lagoon. The kids had a blast as did I. They played in the sand for a while then we all went in the water. I had fun playing with them and carrying them around in the water. We played with the rope and played with the water that was filling up the lagoon. The kids had a snack then we just played by the edge of the water and sand. The kids made sand castles and we made a water way. I thought the kiddos would collapse from exhaustion but we managed to make it to Target and Payless Shoes. The kids got new shoes, Nicole picked Princess and Justin picked Cars. At Target I wanted to buy Nicole shoes for her Halloween costume but she didn’t understand she could have both the princess one and these, so she said no to the shoes. We met daddy at Soup Plantation for dinner. We go there a bit early so we just played outside with the kiddos. We came home and the kids put on their new shoes then read us books. They stood on Justin’s bed and read. If we talked we were told to be quiet-it was hilarious. Nicole had a hard time unwinding but finally fell asleep.

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