Archive for January, 2011

Monday, January 10th, 2011

Justin woke up twice last night with his bed wet then Nikki woke up, ugh. I do love it when Justin comes in. He comes in our room and is so dam cute. Nikki yells mommy. When I go see her she is so cute too but it is hard to get out of bed to go down the hall. We played at home this morning. The kids played  Pac Man World on the Wii. I played a little too. Then I gave the kids showers. Don’t think I got all the conditioner out of Nikki’s hair but the kids are clean-thats all that matters. I finally had to do laundry (Justin’s sheets). I am kind of on strike on doing laundry. I was snack mom today. We had fun at school. We tried to play musical chairs but then it moved into a parade of instruments. It was cute. Nikki led the parade. And we played Legos and Play doh at school. On the way home we stopped at the store to get a few things for dinner. When we got home the kids played parking garage and had a snack. The jacuzzi is finally warm again so the kids were so excited to get in. Goggles and bathing suits they were ready. They had so much fun. Dad came home and jumped in with them. I thought I was going to go walking with a friend tonight so I didn’t go in, I did some gardening until it got too dark. Another successful dinner-I made mongolian beef, so yummy. I am really enjoying cooking and the kids really liked it too. We all played Sorry together then headed upstairs. We read books for a long time and hopefully both kiddos are sleeping now.

Sunday, January 9th, 2011

So glad it didn’t rain today. This morning we stayed home in the morning. The kids played so well. They played under doggie. I am not sure what exactly that is. It did involve leashes and bows on their stuffed animals. They were hanging out by the stairs. Dad and I drank our coffee and read the paper. We are trying to figure out what to do about our gym membership so we went to look at LA Fitness. Nice gym but I think we are going to stick with 24 hour at it is cheaper. Costco has a great special on 24 hour. So we headed to Costco. We ate lunch there then shopped for pre school snack. It felt like we were at Costco for hours. It was busy plus we kept stopping to play. The kids rode bikes and played in an little car like theirs. When we got home it was cool outside but nice. I just wanted to be outside. Nikki took her go go dog out for a little walk while Justin did rocket balloons. I decided to vacuum all the sand out of my car and Nikki started to help. Then it became all about my car. We washed it. Then I felt like I had been neglecting my car so got the wax out. So much work. The kids played in the car while I waxed. So everything is so clean but now I have fingerprints on all inside of my windows, oh well I knew it wouldn’t last long. My car looks so pretty now. I am sure I will see more spots tomorrow where I didn’t get all the wax off. We had dinner and the kids played Wii and on the Ipad (Angry Birds). We are all trying to get over colds so we were pretty tired tonight. We read books and I was almost asleep in Justin’s bed.

Saturday, January 8th, 2011

I love the weekends even though it wasn’t a very exciting day. This morning Bret went off to trombone practice and I headed to the park. One of my friends husband was away on business so we met at the park. The kids all had a great time together-it did take them a little while to reacquainted. All of a sudden the morning was over. We headed home. The kids wanted to walk up the path by the park where all the pine cones are. I have a huge amount of pine cones now. They had so much fun picking them up and filling up whatever they could. I took the Bob stroller and they are huge in it. We also had a nerf gun fight at our house. So much fun. It is good exercise. The kids watched TV, dad napped, and I gardened a bit. I am getting so annoyed though with the kids leaving crap all over the place. We are working on it. It is my fault as I always clean up after them. We played games, colored, played parking garage, etc. At dinner the kids asked us if we could go for ice cream. So off to yogurtland we went. It is fun to treat the kiddos once in a while but I need to take 5 lbs off, so that didn’t help me. Bret had to work a little tonight. The kids and I went upstairs and got some of their toys out. I think they forgot I brought them up there. The Gwotrax and little pet shop came out. We read books and off to bed they went.

Friday, January 7th, 2011

I am so so tired so this will be quick. Tonight we went to Grammy’s to hang out and have dinner as she is leaving for Canada tomorrow. So dad and her went to go to the bank, the kids and I got out the bikes she bought for them. Justin rode by himself. He did so well. He went from Grammy’s house to the cul de sac until I had something to do with him crashing into a bush. Seriously I think he is almost riding a two wheeler. I took Nikki around as well. She will be there soon as well. She is a little afraid of the big bike but did really well. We had a good day. Bret worked from home today as he had some training. I just gave the kiddos a shower this morning then we walked to school. I still took the stroller so the kids could eat lunch on the way. Nikki picked some flowers on the way and gave them to her teacher. We had so much fun on the freeway overpass. The kids waved and waved and lots of trucks beeped at them. They were jumping up and down in excitement, so cute. I am off to get ready for bed.

Tuesday, January 4th, 2011

The kids are enjoying having calendars in their rooms. They cross off the days. I forgot to write yesterday every time Justin got hurt, Nikki was as sweet as she could be. She would hug him and ask him if he is ok. I love it! Today was a mellow day. We got ready for the cleaners then got out of the house for a bit. We ran over to the mall just to walk around and play. The kids kept on wanting to buy something. Nikki put some change in her pocket and Justin was carrying some. We played and went to a few stores. The kids played at the play area for a bit then on a few rides. We came home and had lunch then T came over. I babysat her today, so cute and reminds me of my kiddos when they were her age. We just played and played. T had fun in the little market and kitchen. One of Nikki and Justin’s friends stopped by. The kids played so nicely-it was great. When dad came home I didn’t have anything prepared for dinner. We went to Elephant Bar with our certificates we got from X-mas. The kids were watching the kitchen and hiding on all the waiters and waitresses coming out. The kids took a shower tonight. We haven’t done a night shower in a while. Now I remember why as the kids get so hyper. Hyper but funny. Nikki showed Justin a new way she washes her shampoo out of her hair and he asks if it gets in his eyes or daddy’s. Nikki says it gets in daddy’s eyes because he doesn’t have much hair. Poor daddy. The kids ran around the bathroom over the tub into the little area over and over again. Then they started putting on our clothes. Nikki came out in my shorts and a shirt with socks as boobies. She even got my underwear on. Justin put on daddy’s shirt and sweatpants. They were laughing so hard. I was a little annoyed as I knew I would be picking up the clothes but the laughter was all worth it. I am exhausted, off to finish some stuff then head to bed.

Monday, January 3rd, 2011

Zoe the dog went home last night. It was so fun having a dog around but it is also nice when she goes home. We don’t have the responsibility full time but we get the fun of it. Yesterday we went to the Great Park for a farmer’s market and a carousal ride. The kids still want to ride their favorite, Justin and ostrich and Nikki a bunny. We had a good time as we also went to the rock park. The kids pretended to be dogs and go on an obstacle course. At least we got some of their energy out. The rain started early and I was supposed to  be taking some pics for our pre school teacher. We ended up doing it in the rain. The pics came out pretty well but next time I have to be careful to keep the lens raindrop free. We woke up to pouring rain today. The kids played Angry Birds on the ipad then the just colored for a bit. They filled up my cabinet with colored pics. We wrote thank you notes as well from the holidays. The kids decorated my kitchen with pics:

I can’t believe how long they colored for. We had lunch then the kids decided they were the Incredibles, Violet and Dash. So funny watching them play. We read some books and the rain stopped. I needed to get out so we called some friends and went to the park. We went to pirate park and the kids had a blast. We made lots of sand castles and the kids had a blast smashing them. They scootered with their friends as well. Then they were wild. We put out the new shag carpet and it made them crazy. They played limbo and wrestled with one another. It looks so nice-I wish I could buy a few more and just store them but don’t have space. I ended up going for a walk tonight with a friend. The kids were playing with the Hex bugs when I left. I bought 2 more bugs for them in their favorite colors, pink and green. The kids were coloring upstairs for a bit then we read books and off to sleep they went. I have been bugged today by someone who had a New Years Party. Thats one of the problems with facebook as you find these things out. I am just a little sad as I considered this friend a good fried but it is obvious she doesn’t feel the same. Some times people just suck.

Saturday, January 1st, 2011

1/1/2011, have to get used to writing 2011. Zoe barked at midnight so we woke up for a minute. We didn’t do too much today, just kind of took it easy. The kids lasted about 5 minutes watching the parade on TV then we let them watch a kid show. It was nice out, cool and brisk so we decided to go for a walk together. We decided we better take Zoe with us. We just went over to Hicks Canyon path-it is so nice in there. After lunch it was just more playing. We played in the backyard a bit, got out the Moxie girls/snow (what a mess), remote control cars, then colored some, etc. It has been years since we put baseboards in the bathroom but never finished so dad started on that project again. Something about the new year makes me want to clean everything out and get things done. It was just a great day at home. The play room is almost organized-I have been working hard finding room for toys and bringing some toys up to the kids room. We played in the backyard a bit, threw balls for Zoe…then Nikki and I ran an errand. I made fish and chips for dinner tonight. This is a big deal as I think this is the first time in 11 years of marriage that I have impressed Bret with cooking. He was cracking me up by being all impressed. It was great and I love that man! Dad and the kids played a new game with the planets. I lost interest pretty quickly, but the kids seemed to really like it. Both are wearing new Scooby Doo jammies, too cute. Great first day of the new year.