January 9th, 2011 by melissa

So glad it didn’t rain today. This morning we stayed home in the morning. The kids played so well. They played under doggie. I am not sure what exactly that is. It did involve leashes and bows on their stuffed animals. They were hanging out by the stairs. Dad and I drank our coffee and read the paper. We are trying to figure out what to do about our gym membership so we went to look at LA Fitness. Nice gym but I think we are going to stick with 24 hour at it is cheaper. Costco has a great special on 24 hour. So we headed to Costco. We ate lunch there then shopped for pre school snack. It felt like we were at Costco for hours. It was busy plus we kept stopping to play. The kids rode bikes and played in an little car like theirs. When we got home it was cool outside but nice. I just wanted to be outside. Nikki took her go go dog out for a little walk while Justin did rocket balloons. I decided to vacuum all the sand out of my car and Nikki started to help. Then it became all about my car. We washed it. Then I felt like I had been neglecting my car so got the wax out. So much work. The kids played in the car while I waxed. So everything is so clean but now I have fingerprints on all inside of my windows, oh well I knew it wouldn’t last long. My car looks so pretty now. I am sure I will see more spots tomorrow where I didn’t get all the wax off. We had dinner and the kids played Wii and on the Ipad (Angry Birds). We are all trying to get over colds so we were pretty tired tonight. We read books and I was almost asleep in Justin’s bed.

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