January 8th, 2011 by melissa

I love the weekends even though it wasn’t a very exciting day. This morning Bret went off to trombone practice and I headed to the park. One of my friends husband was away on business so we met at the park. The kids all had a great time together-it did take them a little while to reacquainted. All of a sudden the morning was over. We headed home. The kids wanted to walk up the path by the park where all the pine cones are. I have a huge amount of pine cones now. They had so much fun picking them up and filling up whatever they could. I took the Bob stroller and they are huge in it. We also had a nerf gun fight at our house. So much fun. It is good exercise. The kids watched TV, dad napped, and I gardened a bit. I am getting so annoyed though with the kids leaving crap all over the place. We are working on it. It is my fault as I always clean up after them. We played games, colored, played parking garage, etc. At dinner the kids asked us if we could go for ice cream. So off to yogurtland we went. It is fun to treat the kiddos once in a while but I need to take 5 lbs off, so that didn’t help me. Bret had to work a little tonight. The kids and I went upstairs and got some of their toys out. I think they forgot I brought them up there. The Gwotrax and little pet shop came out. We read books and off to bed they went.

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