Everyone’s Husband Is Off This Week

December 30th, 2008 by melissa

I am so sad Bret is working this week, I wish he was off. But he is getting caught up on things. This morning we went to Mission Viejo mall to story time at Pottery Barn Kids. Something we can never do due to pre school. It was cute. My kiddos did so well sitting there listening. We played in the play area for a bit and just walked aroun the mall. It was fun; I even tried to shop a bit for me but too hard with the kiddos. We had lunch together then came home. It was so nice out we played outside for a while. The kids “mowed” the lawn and pushed the truck around in the back yard. Then the kiddos watched some TV and rested a bit. I finished packing up Christmas and cleaned up the living room a bit. We ran to Kohl’s as the kids needed a few more clothes. Then we did the usual driving of cars. The kiddos grabbed their scooters and scooted while taking CIndy the dog for a walk. The kids also rode their bikes, Justin fell though 🙁 After dinner dad and the kids played games while I watched. We went upstairs and I had the kiddos laughing so hard. It took forever to dress them as I was doing it in such silly ways. Then we couldn’t find Justin’s teddy. He decided he would sleep with a Thomas train but then we found teddy. The kids are pretty wired, dad just went upstairs to get them to sleep. Nicole was trying to talk to daddy about Thomas and she couldn’t get out what she wanted to say and finally said I don’t know what I am talking about. So funny!

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