Happy New Years Eve

December 31st, 2008 by melissa

Felt like a busy day. We went to the Spectrum so I could work out. The kids love the workout place. After we ran some errands at the Spectrum, at Target and Carters. Then all of a sudden it was getting close to lunch time. We ran to the grocery store and the kids had so much fun with the little carts. Came home had lunch then made the kids rest a bit. For rest I let the kids watch Elmo’s World. All of a sudden I hear Justin laughing at the TV, so cute. It was about Mr. Noodle sharing a swing. Then we headed off to My Gym for the drop off. The kids were so excited to go. When I left them there Justin was getting on the stairs and swinging from a rope with a big smile on his face. I tried to go clothes shopping for me while the kids were at My Gym. I came home for a bit and walked Cindy. Time alone flew by and I went to get the kiddos. I try to get there early so I can watch the kids play. They had a blast at My Gym. They were doing the space swing-the kids were hanging and going really fast. They also went backwards. Then the bubble storm, it was great. We came home and got ready for New Years Eve. We spent it at friend’s house. It was so nice, we had a great dinner and adult conversation. The kids all played really well. Happy New Years Eve 🙂

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