February 11th, 2009 by melissa

Nicole is a 100% better but we decided to stay at home and take it easy. The kids were so happy to be home all day-me on the other hand was going crazy. Ok not that crazy. The kids played trains for a long time with minimal fighting. Justin shared so well so I gave him and m&m, Nicole quickly learned how nice it was too share. We did play doh for a long time at the kitchen table. The kids pretended the blob of play doh wasa mud puddle and they had their Dora and Diego’s jumping in them. I made them all types of animals and they acted the animals out. We had fun! The kids played some more while I made lunch. I had a very hungry bunch! The kids decided after lunch to put all their toys in the futon room (they are pretending their room is the airport). Appaently they are going to Canada. What a mess.


We went and did some errands. We ran to Micheal’s craft store and since we were right there we went to TJMaxx too. I found polo shirts (kids call them goat shirts), the kiddos were so excited so I bought a few. Then we ran to the running store to exchange my shoes and to the grocery store. We decided to have a picnic in the house tonight so needed to get picnic food. The kids watched some TV while I finished stuff around the house, laundry, etc. Then we made some Valentine’s for our friends, gummi bears and teddy grahams. The kids loved putting them in bags and wanted to eat every other one. Dad came home and we had a picnic! It was fun but then we heard helicopters and lots of police activity. Something was going on at Trabuco and Jefferey shopping center, scary. Anyway we wanted to go to jammy story time at the library but it ended up being cancelled. So we just hung around the library and read books. Came home and kiddos went to sleep.

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