February 12th, 2009 by melissa

Today was pre school day and I was working. It was a fun day since we did lots of Valentine’s Day activities. The kids made V Day cookies and loved it. I helped the kiddos make invitations for the daddy and kids pancake breakfast on Sat. After I helped the kids make hearts with glitter. The kids were so cute passing out their Valentine’s to each other. Of course Nicole and Justin were more excited about the candy. Nicole shared her swim goggles with the class and proudly wore them. Justin shared his remote contral car. He had a big smile on his face while he wsa showing everyone how it worked. After school we played outside with our friends. Nicoel and Justin put sticks in the mud and drew on the side of the pre school and side walk. We didn’t get home until 1:30ish.  More toys went into the airport room AKA futon room. We ate lunch then we went through the kiddo’s Valentines we got.  It was cute. The kiddos took a bath. After bath we headed to the train path to ride bikes. Paula and kiddos met us there. The kids had fun. There was a big puddle so the kids had fun throwing rocks in and getting muddy. I had to take the kiddos shoes and pants off before getting into the car. We came home and grabbed dad and went through the drive thru. Cracks me up to see how much my kids love the drive thru. After dinner the kiddos played. They also got a candy cane from one of the Valentine’s and were happy when we said they could have it. The kids helped us clean up the “airport” futon room. We went upstairs and read lots of books and the kiddos went right to bed. My period must be coming as I want chocolate!

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