Day At Irvine Regional Park

February 14th, 2009 by melissa

This morning there was a pancake breakfast for the dads at pre school. I volunteered to help out there so I went a little earlier. It was cute. Nicole made me a beaded bracelet there. I think the kiddos had fun showing daddy their preschool. We came home and decided to go get some exercise. Kiddos in the Bob stroller, dad on his trikke, and me trying to jog. Then we met Alan, Roberta, and Tierney at the Irvine Regional Park. We rode the train, Justin was so excited. He sat in the way back with daddy and rode backwards. Nicole wanted to sit next to Tierney. Nicole and Justin decided they wanted to ride ponies, so cute. Justin’s pony made a loud noise and he was laughing so hard. We walked over the zoo. All the animals were out so we could see a lot. The kids had the best time feeding the goats and in the little petting zoo. We tried to take some pics of the kids. The lighting was a bit off, but here they are:


Nicole got to hold T for a bit and loved it. We walked slowly back to the car and the kiddos played on the play structure for a bit. So cute they had a great time. On the way home we stopped and dropped some Valentins’s off for our friends. The kiddos watched some TV, Curious George and Seasame Street. After TV we played for a bit then I decided the jacuzzi sounded so nice. So I went out there and Nicole wanted to put on her bathing suit as well. Nicole wanted to come in with me but it was way too hot, so she ended up just putting her feet in. Since it was Valentine’s Day we had a candle light dinner. The kids seemed to like it but really wanted to blow out the candles then Justin wanted to find his flashlight. So the kids were too busy to sit still but I am still glad we did it. We will have to do it more often. The kids were wanting to play with the Easter eggs-what a mess. They love it, get out their little baskets, etc. We went upstairs and the kiddos played with money (coins) for a bit. We don’t need toys anymore. Actually they played with the money and their cars. Lots of books and off to bed they went. Nicole ran over to Justin’s bed-she said she had to tell him something. Also as pre school today another mom told me that Justin was sitting in the back at story time and Nicole was up front. Nicole looked for Justin and went to go sit with him. The mom told me Nicole said we love each other today 🙂

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