February 13th, 2009 by melissa

I was up early and out of the house to get a blood test. Got the kiddos ready and headed for the gym. I did about 3.5 miles on the treadmill, walking and jogging. When I went to pick up the kids from kid’s club Nicole wasn’t too happy. The person working there sad Nicole asked for me and cried a little. When I asked Nicole what was wrong she said she wasn’t having any fun and then it was she wanted a snack. So unlike her as usually I need to bribe her to leave the kids club. She seemed a little weird for a bit too. We dropped some Valentine’s at friends houses then headed to Wal Mart. We got home and there were beautiful Valentine roses for me. Nicole was really happy to be home. She played baby and the kids played with the Gingerbread men and cards from Candyland. They played really well together. After watching Curios George and Thomas I was bored. So I decided to give the kids a bath. Nicole decided she wanted to take a shower though. It was fun playing in the bath with Justin. Justin got a new train named Spencer, so I played trains with him. I thought he was going to pick James. All of a sudden he says I want Spencer. I didn’t even know he knew who this train was. It rained most of the afternoon. I played lots of trains and listened to a lot of whining from Nicole because she didn’t play with Spencer. Dad got home and we let the kiddos watch a little TV again while we cooked dinner. After dinner we got the play doh out and had family play doh night. It was fun and no whining! We went upstairs and the kids were running around naked screaming really loud-they were loving it. We read lots of books and told stories. I am ready for bed, it was a long day. Oh so I never know what to get Bret for V-Day so just got him his favorite chocolate covered raisans. I also went through old cards and re-gave him a card. It was hilarous, of course he didn’t recognize it. I told him and we laughed!

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