Home Day

February 22nd, 2009 by melissa

Dad took Nicole to Starbucks and the grocery store as we needed milk. I am always running out of milk. Justin and I played trains. We built tracks and went around and around the track. To my surprise daddy and Nicole bought me flowers. It was so unexpected and made me so happy! After breakfast the kiddos just played. I said I was sad about something and Nicole looked at me and said but we bought you flowers so you can’t be sad 🙂 I decided to go for a jog and dad and the kids played every game we own. They had a good time. Then dad went out for a bit on his Trikke. Everyone always stops to ask him about his bike. The kiddos played. They pretended there was an alligator and for some reason decided it was safe to hide in the laundry room. Plus lots of toys went in there with them. The kiddos played in the backyard for a bit. Justin accidently hit Nicole with a bat while playing T-ball. Poor little Nicole but she is a tough girl. After lunch the kiddos wanted to swing and head out to the front to play. They drove cars for a short bit. Nicole and Justin pretended it was raining and got out their umbrellas. I tried to clean out some toys and put together a basket for Christy from the mom’s club. The kids wanted to watch TV, Curious George, of course. After TV we gave the kiddos a bath. Bret watched for the leak but no leak. We are thinking maybe the kids splashed water out of the side of the tub or something-I can’t imagine they would have splashed that much but the tub wasn’t leaking today. After bath the kids played really well together while we had someone here giving us quotes for some lighting projects in our house. After we headed out, I needed to get a few more things for Christy’s basket then we dropped it off a her house. We took the kiddos to Islands for dinner and came home. The kiddos helped clean up the downstairs and played with money upstairs. We read books and off to bed. It has been about a half hour and I still hear Nicole talking.

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