February 23rd, 2009 by melissa

We stayed home this morning for a bit. Nicole was so unhappy about going to the workout place, so I wasn’t going to force her. She was ok going in the bike trailer so I spent some time trying to hook it up. No such luck, I need Bret to do it. I thought we were done with the bike trailer but if they are willing to go in it while I get some exercise I am good with it. I hope this phase passes with Nicole quickly as I really want to go to the gym. We headed over to Chick Fil A before My Gym. A few moms and kids meet there before My Gym. The kids had a lot of fun, but mostly with opening and closing the door of the play area. We went to My Gym. It was the last class of this session. They did space flight-it was cute. I even remebered the video camera. After we stopped at Kohls to get some clothes for the kiddos and a gift to bring to Henry when we go to Canada. The kiddos watched some TV when we got home. I decided to take the kiddos to the park, it feels like we haven’t been in a while. The kids wanted to ride their bikes. We went to Blue Gum Park. Scary with the kiddos riding their bikes but they did great. They had so much fun at the park. They were going across what they called stepping stones in the river to save baby jaguar just like Dora and Diego. Both Nicole and Justin decided to be Diego. They wanted to swing as well. Twins are everywhere, 3 sets at the park and we met a new neighbor on the way home that has twins. The kids biked home, Nicole decided when we turned on Monticello she was done biking. We came home and made dinner right away as the kiddos were hungry. After dinner daddy fixed the bike trailer for me and the kiddos played trains for a bit. We built new tracks all over the living room floor. The kids decided they were hungry and wanted a snack. They had some cottage cheese and we read some new magazine they got in the mail. Of course, they wanted it read over and over again. We went upstairs and the kiddos played with money. Then gave them some glow in the dark stickers. We read some books we haven’t read in a while and told stories. Hopefully they will be sleeping soon.

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