February 24th, 2009 by melissa

This morning the kids were up a bit early. They played really well though. We got ready for pre school.Dad and I had an app’t at 9:00 with a financial advisor so dad was home. Dad and I dropped the kiddos off at pre school. Nicole at first didn’t want to go but she did much better today. She seemed so happy when I picked her up. Justin told me he took care of Nicole. The kids made some pretty cool space shuttles today. While they were in school we went to the financial advisor app’t-still don’t know though. Then I went to the gym. Came home and took the bike trailer to pick up the kiddos. It was great they were so excited about going in the trailer. At home they ate a fast lunch and wanted to just watch TV. After TV the kiddos decided they were hungry-they didn’t eat too much lunch. They loved having their own yogurt containers. The little things that make them happy. Then I gave the kiddos a bath. They are really into pouring water from cup to cup and they love helping to wash their hair. I think they just like the bubbles. After bath the kiddos just wanted to be naked for a bit and played cars. They pretended their space shuttles they made at pre school were kites and said blast off and ran around the house. Nicole wants Justin to chase her with the space shuttles. We headed to My Gym for open play. I hope the kids aren’t getting sick of My Gym since we are there a lot right now. It was cute, the kids loved climbing up onto the bar. They would hang there and I would swing them as well. They were really into playing catch with me, it was a lot of fun. The kids amaze me at how well they catch and throw. I needed to run to Cosrco after to get some food for a playdate. I thought the kids would be mellow from being at My Gym, but the opposite happened. They were hyper, running around and having a blast in Costco. Luckily we weren’t in too much of a hurry. After dinner we played trains. Justin wanted us to join him so he came and brought us each a train. The kids are sound asleep right now. And I am off to go for a walk.

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