Countdown to Canada

April 20th, 2009 by melissa

I didn’t sleep really well last night, ugh. I just wanted to hide in bed this morning. The painters came bright and early @ 7:30 so our lights are now complete! The workers liked our old lights and took those too so we don’t have to worry about getting rid of them. It looks great in there, really modernizes it. So the kids are really into dumping things, putting things in boxes and dumping. I let them dump some bins in the kitchen but stopped them after a couple. They were great about helping to clean up though. The kids played on their white boards and had a good morning playing at home. We had an early lunch then headed to our last My Gym class. The kids had fun, lot of mommy’s were there so it was nice to see some friends. The kids loved the space swing. After My Gym we did a few errands, Carters, Lowes, the toy store. It is 100 degrees out again, really hot. The kids were looking tired so I let them rest in front of the TV. I was kind of blah today too, doctor increased my meds so I have been out of sorts. I called him today and we are going to decrease again. After TV the kiddos took a bath and decided to fight a lot in the bath. I was trying to pack up the kids suitcases at the same time. After bath though the kids were having a great time, pretending to be cleaners. I took them over to Paula’s so dad and I could have a date night. I was so blah though but I finally snapped out of it. We went to Macaroni Grill and had a nice time. Just so nice to sit at home for a bit by ourselves then have a peaceful dinner together. When we picked up the kids they had a great time. Justin played with a helicopter almost the entire time Paula said. They loved what Paula cooked for dinner. We came home and brought the kiddos upstairs, read a few books, and off to bed. I went for a walk and now time to pack.

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