April 21st, 2009 by melissa

We were greeted early this moring by Justin, so cute though. Back to pre school today, spring break is officially over. I was working today. The kids were most excited abotu sharing. Justin brought his plane and Nicole a doggy stuffed animal. It was so hot that most of the kids opted to play in water. I was an outside mom so we played parachute, water table, squirt bottles, etc. The kids had a great time being back at school, both wanted to paint! We came home and as the kids were getting out of the minivan, Nicole pushed Justin and his head hit the garage floor. It was awful. Poor Justin and it took him a while to get over it. He needed some relaxy time so we watched one Curious George then the kids had lunch. After lunch the kids just played. I took all the stuffed animals off the futon so the kiddos had fun playing on the futon. Plus I moved some of the toys to the family room so the kiddos played with them. Toys they hadn’t seen for a while. They played with beads and Mr. Potatoe Head. I ran around and tried to pack up. So much stuff to take. Paula and Krista came over to play. The kids played in water since it was hot. The kids played in the jacuzzi as well. Justin and Nicole weren’t too happy though as there was a lot of squirting going on. I think N&J were a bit overwhelmed. When everyone got out of the jacuzzi thats when Nicole and Justin went in and had fun. They loved playing with Paula’s kids squirty toys. All the kids played inside for a bit. I realized I never gave the kiddos a snack so we had an early dinner. The kids played outside and then decided to color and cut. The kids are grocery shopping in the play store with dad right now, so cute. We went upstairs and played a bit more. The kids talked to grandma and we got ready for bed. Thank goodness the kids went right to bed. I think Bret and I have done all we can for tonight.

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