June 23rd, 2009 by melissa

This morning I went for a quick run then met some friends early to walk. Nicole slept in today. Justin woke up last night around 3:00 saying “mommy”. When I went to go get him he just wanted to come to our bed. So cute but hard to sleep. He kept on putting his head on my chest. We got ready for the cleaners and I let the kiddos play Leapsters a bit. We decided to go to Blue Gum Park. We met some friends there. Justin wanted to bike there and Nicole wanted to go in the trailer. So I have more gray hairs as I let Justin ride his bike while Nicole was in the trailer. It was a little stressful but Justin did great. It was fun riding with him and the trailer is so much lighter with one child. The kids had a great time at the park. They started playing with their friends and it just amazes me to see them interact and come up with games. It was so hard to leave as the kids were playing with Jane so well. So Erin invited us over for lunch. Nicole and Justin were just so excited with the new toys. It was nice. We all had lunch together and then more playing. The kids met Angel, Jane’s pre school guniea pig. They both held her and Nicole dropped her-oops. The ride home on the bikes went really well. We came home and played then headed to pre school. I needed to make some copies and do some work, so the kiddos played really well. They liked pulling out all the toys and having snack at pre school. So strange with  no one else there. We also went to Katie and Sarah’s dance recital. It was so cute. Nicole loved watching it and wanted more dancers to come. She was sad that it was over. So cute she told Katie and Sarah they did  a great job too. Justin and Nicole were just in awe watching it. They said their favorite part of the day was the dancing. After dinner we just played, the kids picked tomatoes, and Justin and I cleaned off the play house. They put water on it then use their brooms. The kids were pretty tired so we read lots of books and they are sound asleep.

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