June 24th, 2009 by melissa

This week is going by so slow for some reason. This morning the kiddos played at home while I tried to get some stuff on our calendar for summer. We went to Tustin Sports Park and met some friends there. The kids had fun as we never go to this park. There was a big slide that the kiddos loved. I remember going to this park when the kids were just walking and I was so freaked out about the big slide. We had a fun morning. We came home and played. I played with the kids for a long time hoping to get some painting done on the mural. We did some puzzles, a little frustrating for me, but the kids loved it. We played grocery store, cars, etc. Grammy came over and the kids watched some TV while we did some painting. Mural is coming along. When dad got home we decided to go to the Elephant Bar for dinner. Nicole’s favorite food has been mac and cheese and Justin loves corn dogs. We didn’t have much time to play when we got home. The kids did play with money for a bit then we read a couple books. We have sleeping kids. I am kind of cranky tonight. I am so tired of cleaning up. Our garage is such a mess and I can’t stand it. But I don’t have any time to clean it-ugh. I do love being with my kids and my husband and that is truly what is important.

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