August 9th, 2009 by melissa

We managed to have a mellow day. This morning we just played at home. Daddy made french toast this morning, I think this is the first time the kids have had french toast. Nicole and daddy went to go get coffee together. Justin and I stayed home and played trains. We built a cool track on the train table. The kids have been loving having daddy home. We played in the backyard for a while. We filled up a bunch of water balloons. The kids had a blast throwing them out front, in the street and on the garage door. I can’t believe how long it takes to fill up the water balloons and how fast the kids go through them. We decided to go out to lunch, which was nice. The kids practically sat on daddy while eating. Everyone attacked his cornbread. Ha it is usually my food getting attacked. We stopped and did an errand on the way home to get some gifts for friends. Justin didn’t want to go in so dad and him stayed in the car for a bit. So fun shopping with Nicole, she loved helping me pick out gifts. We got home and we played with the Geo Trax set, I can’t tell you how many times I went around the track. I need a remote control train like Justin’s. Then we played games, don’t break the ice, candyland, and chutes and ladders. Chutes and Ladders lasted a long time so the kids got bored and abandoned the game. We got the pool out for the kiddos and they had a great time. They were marching in the pool and then laying down putting their faces in the water and laying on their backs. They had a great time and it was pretty silly to watch. After the kiddos got a bubble bath. They had fun washing their trains. Bath was a bit splashy today, according to the kids the trains were making waves. After bath dad played trains with the kiddos while I made dinner. The kids were starving and ate a ton at dinner. Both kids say to us “say you dont think I won’t eat this” so dad and I say I bet Nicole/Justin won’t eat it-then they eat it. It works well to get them to eat anything, we wonder how long this will last. After dinner we sold our glider and ottoman. It was a littl sad as I don’t have a rocker to rock my babies. But my babies aren’t babies anymore. We hardly use it anymore and we needed to make room for bedroom furniture. Then we went onto the greenbelt. Justin and dad played soccer and Nicole did chalk. I cleaned up a bit then joined Nicole doing chalk. We all kicked the ball back and forth, it was fun all playing together. Then we played duck duck goose. I think the kids could have played all night-they were loving it. When we came inside they were still wanting to run around. Justin was pretending to be a dog and fetching a pretend ball, and Nicole was doing the same as a cat. We read lots of books and the kiddos went right to sleep/

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