August 10th, 2009 by melissa

We were out and about early this morning. We needed to go to the grocery store before play group. The kids were in such silly moods this morning. We had fun at the grocery store. The kids wanted to read books there, so I let them while I ran around gathering items. They had fun picking out fruit and putting it in their carts. We came home and got ready for play group. The kids were so happy when their friends started coming over. The boys were busy playing with trains, Justin has been so into his trains the last few days. Nicole was happy swinging then pushing kid in the swings. The kids all had fun and luckily the house didn’t get too messy. We had lunch and cleaned up a bit. All of a sudden though it was time to go to our swim lesson. The kids were so excited. Paula and gang went with us so her kiddos could jump off the diving board and they did it for the first time, so exciting. Justin went first for a lesson. Poor guy though he was so cold. He did great in his lesson but by the end he was shivering so bad. He went in the little kiddie pool which was warmer, so he was happy. Nicole is getting more and more daring in the water, have to really keep an eye on her. I thought she was going to go on the diving board and follow her friends. All the kids played in the little pool for a while and went back and forth to the big pool. Justin tried the big pool again but too cold. It was a nice time at the pool but now I am exhausted. After the pool I babysat for Paula while she did a quick errand. The kids and I had a great time. I had a hard time getting Nicole to leave, she really didn’t want to go. Dad was home when we got home. The kids watched a George while we made dinner. Even though dinner was ready the kids had to watch George until the end so dad and I started without them. After dinner Nicole said she was tired and wanted to go to bed. I later figured out she just wanted alone time with me. Dad and Justin played trains. We decided it was such a nice night to go for a walk and get some frozen yogurt. The kids have an adventure walking there, rolling down hills, picking leaves, doing 1, 2, 3 with us (hold each one of our hands and swing), etc. Now when you do 1, 2, 3 the kids want to flip. We gave the kiddos piggy back rides, they are getting too heavy though. We went upstairs and Justin was playing with his letter train. He made it into a parking garage for his yellow car and limo, what an imagination. Nicole was wanting to play baby. The kids along with us were so tired, no problems going to bed.

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