August 28th, 2009 by melissa

Zoe the dog woke us up bright and early. Luckily she wasn’t whiny like the first night we had her last time. In the middle of the night Nicole had to go potty-daddy and Zoe both went and I Nicole laughed, so happy to see Zoe. We played with Zoe a bit this morning. I got to play trains then have the kiddos climb all over me. We headed to the library to return our books. We didn’t have much time to look for new ones. Instead we went to the store at the library and picked up some cheap used books. Justin loves his new train book of course and Nicole likes the Littlest Pet Shop. Justin’s last monster machine class was today. So we headed over to the Great Balloon. Not too impressive since we go really go there anyday. But the kids got to go up in the balloon and loved it. They had a great time looking out at everything while we were so high. After lunch was the kiddo’s swim lesson. They were so happy as they haven’t been swimming this entire week. I didn’t want them to be cold with their colds. Justin was a little shy about his lesson today, but seeing how we haven’t been for a while it wasn’t too surprising. Overall they both did well. We played in the big and little pools and just had a great time. It is so hot today so being in the pool was great. We have been in and out all day. After swimming we came home for a bit then I went to go get a bang trim. They kids were so great, just sitting in the chair reading books and playing Leapsters. It didn’t take too long either. When we got home we played. We played more trains and games, Hi Ho Cherry-O. Nicole and I played farm and tractor while Justin and daddy went to get a pizza for dinner. After dinner Nicole was playing guitar and Justin trains then we went on the greenbelt to run Zoe and play ball. It was still hot out tonight. We bopped a beach ball around and just had fun outside. We came in and read some new books. Then all of a sudden Nicole wanted to be tickled, cutest laugh ever. Then Justin wanted in on it. He could hardly breathe he was laughing so hard. It was so cute. We tried to get them in bed a little early but they are still up. Justin just screamed mommy I can’t get my blanket on.

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