August 29th, 2009 by melissa

We were up bright and early this morning. I had to get up at the crack of dawn to walk the dog and help clean the pre school. I did walk over to the pre school which was nice. It was a pain cleaning the pre school but it had to be done. Dad and the kids played games while I was gone. Dad picked me up and Nicole was dressed as Cinderella and Justin was still in his pj’s. Nicole and I walke t. She looked adorable in her Cinderella dress and glass slippers. Dad and Justin went to get coffee then came back to get us. I was so sleepy when I got home. The kids played and kept calling us over. We played farm, baby, and the toy with all the screws and stuff. We took my car to get an oil change and left the car while we walked over to have lunch. The kids remembered DQ is the place for ice cream, so we all got some. So yummy! We got my car and came home. The kids played cars and planes for a bit. Dad took a little nap and the kids and I played Diego and Dora. The kids had their rescue and backpacks and pretended to rescue people and animals. I hid them around the house and they came running when I said help help. It amused them for a long time. We decided to head to the pool since it was so hot out. We had a great time at the pool. The kids could stay in the water forever. They loved the warm shower after as well. Justin was cracking up when dad put water in his water noodle and blowed it out. It was a fun family afternoon in the pool. We played outside for a bit when we got home. Nicole pretended to make dinner in the play house while Justin squirted and pretended to clean things in the backyard. After dinner we headed out to the greenbelt to play with Zoe. The kids are loving having her around. Justin keeps telling Zoe he loves her. I hope they aren’t getting too attached. It is fun having a dog around again but I am not ready for more resposibility. Zoe has been fun though. We were all tired tonight. We read books laying down. Nicole brought up her new Care Bear coloring book and had fun coloring. She reluctantly shared it with Justin. All is quiet in our household.

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