August 30th, 2009 by melissa

I slept well last night, feel much better today. The dog did bark a few times and wake us up last night. We stayed at home this morning. The kids were wanting to play and play. We did puzzles, play doh, let the kids watch Super Why, etc. Then we went to a cancer free party for one of my friends. Can’t even imagine that this could happen to one of my friends, but the great news is she is cancer free. The party was at the park but it was hot! The kids had a great time, playing on the play structure, the sand, and the bounce house. But they were hot too. On the way home we stopped at some fountains and let the kiddos get all wet. They had fun. We also had some lunch then did a little shopping. I got some great deals on shoes for the kids but I am hoping they will fit them next summer. We came home and played some more. Nicole wanted me to be the mommy and daddy to her baby with the little people mini van toy. Dad and J ran out to Home Depot. We went on the greenbelt and threw balls for Zoe the dog. She is the cutest dog. Then we met Grammy at the District and had dinner. Nicole wore her cheerleader outfit to dinner, so cute. The kids were dancing at dinner and were pretty wiggly. Outside they did their shows and danced around for a bit. They went to bed a little late tonight but went right to sleep. I took Zoe out and now Bret and I are having laptop time.

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