September 23rd, 2009 by melissa

This morning I took a me morning. I brought the kids to pre school but had to stay for a short bit and also came back early to do some more work. Nicole wore her hair in pig tails and was so cute. I got her to do it by telling her that her animals wanted her to do it. I ran some errands this morning but also came home for a bit. I forgot what it was like to be in the house alone. The kids had a great time at school. Nicole wanted me to pick her up with her animals and Justin wanted me to bring his car. After school we played outside for a bit then headed to a friend’s house. The kids had a great time playing there. The only thing is Justin is discovering he prefers boy toys and there were only girly toys. He was happy when they went outside and drove the Dora jeep and play doh. It was a nice afternoon. Then we went to Wal-Mart for a bit on the way home. I needed a few things and Justin discovered he needed a new car. I got Nicole a cool Tinkerbell wand for Halloween. It was so  hot that when we got home we headed to the pool. We had a great time swimming. There were little chairs in the little pool and the kids decided that it was the three bears chairs, so cute. I think for the first time Justin opened his eyes under water. Once he did this he was pretty much under water the entire time. They used my legs as the bridge and did things to be able to go under it (like the troll story). When we got home we had dinner then headed out to play out front. The kids drove their cars and cuddled with us on the grass. I decided to vacuum out the cars and Nicole helped me. It is so nice to get the little things done. We hung out outside for a bit as it was so nice out. Upstairs the kids played megablocks and cars. We read books and the kiddos area asleep.  It was so nice as Justin was so cuddly, lately he is telling me so much that he loves me-comes up and says “I love you mommy”-I love every minute of it.

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